Back to the boardgame café.
After last month's single game, we ended up playing several short
ones this visit. First game of the evening was new-ish hotness
Cryptid, a
deduction game. Each player has one bit of information, and between
them this will pin down an individual hex on the board, but play
progresses by pointing out individual hexes and getting "no" or
"maybe" signals from the other players.
I guess I can see it, but the puzzles have to be pre-designed
(there's a deck of them, and the inevitable app for making more), and
I'd probably rather just play
Tobago where you
make it all up as you go along and have more than one puzzle in the
game. (My fellow players hadn't ever played this, so I'll have to fix
that some time.)

On to Trio, an
enjoyable game with light memory elements. You can reveal a card off
either end of your (sorted) hand, or off another player's ("highest"
or "lowest"), or turn one of the face-down cards in the centre; if you
get three matching cards, you score that set. If not, any revealed
cards are hidden again. This is undemanding enough of memory that I
was still able to play it, and overall I had a good time; this was a decent
filler which I might well buy at some point.

Quite new hotness
Spots next,
basically a push-your-luck game with dogs as the scoring mats. I think
this leans heavily on its appearance; there are a great many games
which broadly take the form "roll dice and put them on mats", for
example Pandemic:
and this didn't seem to offer anything that those other games don't.
But cartoon dogs, I guess.

A bit of a disappointment next: someone had left a copy of
Kluster on the
next table, and I snagged it. But not only were two pieces missing, it
was old enough that the magnetic stones were pretty weak, so we had no
trouble placing all the pieces. Hey ho.

To finish off, Timeline:
still a decent filler for the end of the evening even if tonight I was
particularly rubish at it.

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