RogerBW's Blog

An Argumentation of Historians, Jodi Taylor 31 January 2024

2018 science fiction, ninth in the Chronicles of St Mary's series (time travel). More adventures in history!

It's a Wonderful Life 30 January 2024 - 2 comments

1946 glurge, dir. Frank Capra, James Stewart, Lionel Barrymore: IMDb / allmovie. You can't win, you can't break even, and God won't let you get out of the game.

Happy Ever After, Nora Roberts 29 January 2024

2010 romance, last of its loose tetralogy. Parker Brown and three of her childhood friends run a wedding business, everything from engagement photos to the Big Day; she does the overall organisation and client-wrangling. She isn't looking for romance…

The Weekly Challenge 253: You Are the Weakest String 28 January 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved splitting strings and sorting rows. (Note that this ends today.)

Train to Busan 27 January 2024 - 1 comment

2016 Korean horror, dir. Yeon Sang-ho; Gong Yoo, Kim Su-an; IMDb / allmovie. There's an extra passenger aboard the express. (Vtt Busanhaeng or 부산행.)

The Mortal Word, Genevieve Cogman 26 January 2024

2018 alternate-world fantasy, fifth of its series. The Fae and the Dragons have been brought to an alternate Paris to negotiate a peace treaty. But one of the negotiators has been assassinated, and not-Sherlock-Holmes Lord Peregrine Vale is the obvious person to solve it.

Rec 25 January 2024

2007 Spanish found-footage horror, stylised as "[•REC]"; dir. Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza; Manuela Velasco: IMDb / allmovie. Making a documentary about the night shift at the fire station is not going to end well.

A Walk Through the Fire, Marcia Muller 24 January 2024

1999 mystery, nineteenth in Muller's series about Sharon McCone, private investigator in San Francisco. Or, this time, in Kauai, as her office neighbour Glenna Stanleigh asks for extra security on a troubled documentary film project.

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari 23 January 2024

1920 surreal horror, dir. Robert Wiene, Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt; IMDb / allmovie. The mysterious Caligari sets up at the town fair, with his somnambulistic subject, and people start to die…

Honor and Shadows, Jessie Mihalik 22 January 2024

2022 SF/romance novelette, prequel to a trilogy. Captain Octavia Zarola is a bounty hunter with a heart of gold.

The Weekly Challenge 252: Unique and Special 21 January 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list filtering and sequence generation. (Note that this ends today.)

Marlow Tabletop and Board Games 15 January 2024 20 January 2024

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues at the Marlow Donkey.

The Halcyon Fairy Book, T Kingfisher 19 January 2024 - 3 comments

2017 fantasy anthology in two parts, commentaries on fairy stories and a few original ones.

Someone Else's Garden Games (January) 18 January 2024

Back again, playing with three and four. No photos this time; I was too involved!

The Six-Gun Solution, Simon Hawke 17 January 2024 - 2 comments

1991 SF, twelfth and last of its series. After three Observers go missing, the Time Corps protagonists travel to Tombstone, Arizona in 1881.

Letters to a Soldier, Julia Spencer-Fleming 16 January 2024

2011 interstitial collection of letters, in the Fergusson-Van Alstyne series. Various people write to friends and family on deployment.

Answers for the Princess Charlotte General Knowledge Paper 2023 15 January 2024

Here are the answers to last year's quiz.

The Weekly Challenge 251: Concatenating Luck 14 January 2024 - 2 comments

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved decomposing sequences and searching for limit values. (Note that this ends today.)

Twice in a Blue Moon, Patricia Moyes 13 January 2024

1993 mystery, nineteenth and last in the series about Superintendent Henry Tibbett. Susan Gardiner unexpectedly inherits a run-down country pub and, since she's trained in restaurant management, decides to refurbish it and open it as a restaurant. Then one of her customers dies from mushroom poisoning…

Between Two Thorns, Emma Newman 12 January 2024

2013 fantasy, first of a series. There are magical worlds beyond our own… and most of the people who live there are horrible.

Silence in Solitude, Melissa Scott 11 January 2024

1986 SF, second of its trilogy. Silence Leigh, already a hyperspace pilot, has now had some training as a magus, and is ready to have another try at travelling to lost Earth.

Stabcon 2024 10 January 2024 - 2 comments

Back to the Masonic Hall on a cold, but dry, weekend of boardgaming.

The Madonna of the Sleeping Cars, Maurice Dekobra 09 January 2024

1925… thriller, I suppose. Prince Séliman works as secretary to Lady Diana Wynham, a scandalous woman. Original title La Madone des sleepings. Banned in Boston!

Flight and Anchor, Nicole Kornher-Stace 08 January 2024

2023 SF novella. Years before the events of Firebreak, the twelve-year-old cyber-enhanced SecOps 06 and 22 run away from the Company for the first time…

The Weekly Challenge 250: Smallest Viable Value 07 January 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved searching sequences and parsing strings. (Note that this ends today.)

A Sailor Of Austria, John Biggins 06 January 2024 - 1 comment

1991 historical naval fiction. In 1915, Linienschiffsleutnant Otto Prohaska of the Austro-Hungarian Navy takes command of a submarine…

New Year's Day Games 05 January 2024

Boxing Day Boardgames had to be cancelled after an extremely tiring incident a few days earlier, but I was able to get out for boardgames at a friend's place on New Year's Day.

Some Desperate Glory, Emily Tesh 04 January 2024

2023 space-operatic SF. Earth was destroyed in the great war, and its survivors scrape by on Gaea Station, an asteroid powered by the last salvaged warships. Kyr, a genetically enhanced "warbreed", has spent her life training for a chance to avenge the fourteen billion dead… "While Earth's children live, the enemy shall fear us."

2023 in boardgames 03 January 2024

In 2023 my boardgaming life was more at conventions than in local groups.

2023 in Books 02 January 2024 - 1 comment

In 2023 I read 204 books, the most of any year since the pandemic began.

Roger's 2023 in 50 Words 01 January 2024

A friend likes to sum up his year in a set number of words, and I copy this fine idea. "Think of it as a short and un-boastful summary of the year, which nobody is expected to understand all of."

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