Since the group is apparently now on Meetup, we got a much bigger
meeting than we've sometimes had in the past, around twenty people
We began with four-player
Cosmic Encounter,
which has gone right to the top of my games-to-purchase list. Yes,
it's simplistic. Yes, it's random. But the game you play is not the
game that's in the box; it's the game of getting your fellow players
to do the thing that will help you, without their realising it.

(And just before the end three of us were on four points, with another
player on two, suggesting it was fairly close. Sorry Matt.)
Then on to
Guillotine, which
remains an enjoyable light filler. Not the sort of game you can take
terribly seriously, but it's not meant to be.

Quantum next,
with new dice (note, if you have the original slimy and paint-chipped
dice, contact the manufacturer for a replacement set). I made a strong
start, often a mistake in this sort of game, and then didn't turn
aggressive soon enough. (This game is very much set up to reward being

Finally, a couple of rounds of
Bang! The Dice Game.
I confess I wasn't looking forward to this, having found it very
random during a previous three-player session. But actually with five
it was very much more fun, with the hidden roles and bluffing becoming
more important. In fact, it was when the second game got down to three
that it started to get slow; I wonder whether it might be worth adding
an end condition that can trigger at that point. (Or indeed whether
having even more players to start with would allow the survivors to
have enough information about each other that they could end this
phase relatively fast.)

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