RogerBW's Blog

The Blood Card, Elly Griffiths 31 May 2024

2016 mystery, third in its series. DI Edgar Stephens and his old wartime colleage the magician Max Mephisto are called in to solve the killing of their own old boss. There are cryptic clues, one of which seems to point to the imminent coronation of Elizabeth II.

The Terraformers, Annalee Newitz 30 May 2024 - 2 comments

2023 SF. Destry is a terraformer on the planet Sask-E, which over thousands of years is being made into a luxury resort by the company. Then an anomaly shows up…

Out Past the Stars, K. B. Wagers 29 May 2024

2021 SF, last of its trilogy that's also a sequel to the Indranan War series. Empress Hailimi prepares for the big fight against the godlike aliens.

An Unfortunate Demise, Blythe Baker 28 May 2024

2021 historical mystery; second in Baker's Anna Fairweather series (1920s amateur detection). Mrs Montford, recuperating after the death of her husband, takes Anna to Brighton, where Anna helps pull a drowning woman out of the sea—too late, alas.

Queen's Triumph, Jessie Mihalik 27 May 2024

2020 SF/romance novella, last of its trilogy. Queen Samara and Emperor Valentin go to a neutral space station for a meeting with the military commander who's been trying to kill them both. Everyone knows it's a trap…

The Weekly Challenge 270: Special Distribtions Position the Elements 26 May 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved searching matrices and raising array elements. (Note that this ends today.)

The Daughter of Time, Josephine Tey 25 May 2024

Fifth, roughly, of Tey's novels of Inspector Alan Grant, but not detective fiction in the conventional sense. Stuck on his back in hospital after being injured on the job, Grant becomes bored, and finds himself looking into the murder of the Princes in the Tower.

A Study in Honor, Claire O'Dell 24 May 2024

2018 near-future suspense; first in a series. Dr Janet Watson lost an arm in the civil war; the substandard replacement won't let her go back to work as a surgeon. So while she waits in DC she's in the market for a roommate…

Doing Time, Jodi Taylor 23 May 2024

2019 science fiction, first in the new Time Police sub-series in the Chronicles of St Mary's continuity (time travel). Three new recruits join the Time Police…

A Study in Death, Anna Lee Huber 22 May 2024

2015 historical mystery; fourth in Huber's Lady Darby series (post-Regency amateur detection). While Lady Darby is lodging in Edinburgh with her pregnant sister, one of he portrait subjects drops dead, apparently of an "apoplexy".

Dark Matters, Michelle Diener 21 May 2024

2019 SF/romance, fourth of of its series. Lucy Harris has also been kidnapped from Earth into an alien civilisation…

Thorn, Fred Saberhagen 20 May 2024

1980 horror, fourth in Saberhagen's loose Dracula series. "Mr Thorn" is out to get hold of a painting from the 1400s, and other people are foolish enough to get in his way.

The Weekly Challenge 269: The Bitwise Elements 19 May 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved sequence testing and splitting. (Note that this ends today.)

Down Among the Dead, K. B. Wagers 18 May 2024

2019 SF, second of its trilogy that's also a sequel to the Indranan War series. Believing almost all her advisors and friends dead, Empress Hailimi does her best to work towards peace rather than the big battle everyone else seems to want.

Neighbourly Games 13 May 17 May 2024

More gaming with some nearby friends.

Smoke and Mirrors, Elly Griffiths 16 May 2024 - 1 comment

2015 mystery, second in its series. DI Edgar Stephens works reluctantly with the magician Max Mephisto, this time on a case of missing children.

Queen's Advantage, Jessie Mihalik 15 May 2024

2019 SF/romance novella, second of a trilogy. Queen Samara is visiting Emperor Valentin to try to help him find the traitor among his advisors.

Ravenwood, Nathan Lowell 14 May 2024

2010 fantasy, first in a series. Tanyth Fairport is a travelling herbalist, planning to learn all she can before writing a book about it. Then the villagers she's visiting ask for her help.

Reliquary, Martha Wells 13 May 2024

2006 TV tie-in science fiction. The Stargate team from Atlantis explores a new planet…

The Weekly Challenge 268: If the Game is Magic, Where's My Number? 12 May 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list comparisons and rearangements. (Note that this ends today.)

Killer's Payoff, Ed McBain 11 May 2024

1958 police procedural, sixth in the 87th Precinct series. A blackmailer is shot in a drive-by; the 87th has to find out which of his victims did it.

Mage-Commander, Glynn Stewart 10 May 2024

2021 SF, eleventh of its series. Roslyn Chambers is now a battlecruiser's XO, but not for long…

The Afterward, E. K. Johnston 09 May 2024

2019 fantasy. The Quest is over; the magic gem destroyed the Old God, cured the king, and ushered in peace and happiness for everyone. But Apprentice Knight Kalanthe still needs to find a rich husband to pay back the cost of her training, and Olsa still needs to steal for a living even though she's bought herself free of her obligation to the Thief Bosses.

Dark Minds, Michelle Diener 08 May 2024 - 2 comments

2016 SF/romance, third of of its series. Imogen Peters has also been kidnapped from Earth into an alien civilisation…

Thirsty Meeples May 2024 07 May 2024

Back to the boardgame café.

System Collapse, Martha Wells 06 May 2024

2023 short science fiction novel, seventh in the Murderbot series. After the events of Network Effect, Murderbot continues to help the Preservation mission to an alien-remnant-infected planet.

The Weekly Challenge 267: The Line is the Sign That Your Product Counts 05 May 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved series multiplication and text fitting. (Note that this ends today.)

Neighbourly Games 29 April 04 May 2024

More gaming with some nearby friends.

The Wonder Engine, T Kingfisher 03 May 2024

2018 fantasy, second of a pair. The motley band send to deal with the "clocktaur" invaders has got as far as the city they come from. But some of them have history there…

There Before the Chaos, K. B. Wagers 02 May 2024

2018 SF, first of a trilogy that's also a sequel to the Indranan War series. Empress Hailimi is trying to keep her empire out of the war between two lots of highly advanced aliens… but why do all the factions want her working for them?

Hope For the Best, Jodi Taylor 01 May 2024

2019 science fiction, tenth in the Chronicles of St Mary's series (time travel). Time to deal with a problem once and for all.

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