X-Wing at Wycombe Warband, after another
long gap. With images;
cc-by-sa on
I took my Rebel force again:
Ten Numb / B-Wing
Advanced Sensors
Tycho Celchu / A-Wing
Push the Limit
Assault Missiles
Red Squadron Pilot / X-Wing
R2 Astromech
and Neil brought four stock Phantoms!
Sigma Squadron Pilot / TIE Phantom
Sigma Squadron Pilot / TIE Phantom
Sigma Squadron Pilot / TIE Phantom
Sigma Squadron Pilot / TIE Phantom
But he didn't attempt to swarm them; they set up spread out. I
stayed concentrated, rather too much so.

And I started running into my own ships as I often seem to. I think
the only remedy for this is more practice. That said, we nailed the
right-side flanking Phantom fairly quickly.

Things became concentrated in one of the relatively clear sections of
the board, and I spent a while getting disentangled.

After some delay, I was able to concentrate fire again and take down
the second Phantom.

We all tried to extend away, and this worked better for some of us
than others. (The A-Wing was all over the map, which was great – just
a pity his main gun is so pathetic, though it was helpful when
combined with attacks from others.)

The Phantoms ended up out of cloak and exposed, so the A-wing finished
off one and the B-wing the other.

The X-wing ended up with a single hull box left (but regenerating
shields), and the A-wing's shields were gone, but this was a pretty
convincing victory for the Rebels. I'll stick with this squadron for a
bit, mostly working on getting my manoeuvres right. The flaw I found
in the Phantom when I was running it as part of my Fel's Whisper
squadron is that, in spite of the shields, it's really not a brawler;
it needs to make its firing pass and then vanish away (preferably with
the Advanced Cloaking Device), not hang around in the dogfight.
Also being played: Naval Thunder, this time the WWII iteration
(Battleship Alley). Definitely one I'd like to try some time.

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