Back to the boardgame café again,
on a sweaty evening when we didn't feel like anything terribly
complicated. With images;
cc-by-sa on
First game of the evening was
Pocket Imperium,
a minimalist space-war game. It has a neat orders system that rewards
you for doing things when other people aren't, and a scoring system
that pushes you towards the optimum empire size. I enjoyed it, though
I did very badly.

We went on to one we've played a few times before,
Castles of Mad King Ludwig.
In previous games I've found this very random: the goals required
specific tiles which simply didn't come up. This time things just fell
into my hands; I got two out of the three public goals, and a bunch of
extra bonus cards, for a runaway victory. Now if only I could work out
how I did it…

We finished off the evening with a couple of games of Timeline: first
Timeline: Star Wars,
which asks players to order events from the original trilogy of films.
Yes, really.

We found after a bit that we didn't really want to win, since this
would indicate how much we remembered… I did anyway.
(These are of course post-Great Editing. And I never noticed before
that Luke's line reading went "I am a Jedi™, like my father before
Timeline: Innovations,
which I managed to lose, rather than us all finishing equal first as
usual. That's how hot I was.

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