My copy of the
Crime and Punishment
expansion for Firefly arrived on Thursday.
It's been hard to find anyone in the UK with actual stock; I
ended up buying from GamesLore, who delivered two days later.

The box is pretty, but not useful; ditto the card spacer to stop
things rattling around.

Alliance Alert cards work a bit like the Dungeons introduced in
Munchkin 6: they provide an ongoing special rule until they're
replaced by a new one, something like "when you Botch a Job,
Disgruntle your entire Crew", "you may not sell Cargo to Contacts", or
"each time a player Hires a Wanted Crew, place this card on that
Supply Deck. Players may not take a Buy Action at this location until
this card moves". There are ten in this box; an alert is replaced with
a new one when the Alliance Cruiser card is drawn.
The thing some of us have been waiting for for a while is: extra
Misbehave cards, increasing the size of the only deck that's been left
untouched since the base game came out. Some of these are
straightforward; some require multiple skill tests; a few require you
to split your crew into two teams, each of which must pass its own
Misbehave card. Some of these cards also cause the Alliance Alert to
be replaced.

There are two new Setup and two new Story cards. Clearer Skies,
Better Days makes life a bit easier by letting you roll a die before
a Full Burn, and being able to go that far before you start drawing
Nav Cards. It also bans Reaver and Alliance alert tokens from the
Alliance High Alert goes the other way: Harken is unavailable as a
Contact, Starting Jobs are restricted, and there's an Alliance Alert
card in play.
Smugglers Blues scatters Contraband across Alliance Space and gives
a cash bonus to the first player to sell at least three Contraband at
once to each of the four core game criminal contacts. When the last
bonus is claimed, each other player gets one more turn, and the one
with most credits wins.
Wanted Men gives players a Warrant to start with, rewards illegal
jobs (+$1,000 per Warrant you have), penalises legal jobs, and removes
the highest-priced crew member each time a Firefly meets the Cruiser.
First to $20,000 wins. (And as with several other cards one could
easily run this with a timer, and score most money at that point.)
There are also two counter sheets, each with three Warrant/Goal tokens
and twelve Wanted tokens; when things go wrong, the latter will be
applied to previously-legitimate crew members to make them Wanted.
These can be removed only by dismissing the crew member.

The standard of proofreading is abysmal, but the new rules look
interesting. It's certainly going to be much harder work to get the
Crime-based victories that the base game allowed; legal work has
always been a bit of a second-best, but now the value of a wanted
crewmember has dropped and crime has become distinctly riskier. I look
forward to getting this to the table.
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