With some of the weekend-games regulars not wanting to play more
Firefly, we got together on a weekday evening, again
with a time limit.
As before, I did some of the setup before people arrived: piles
of starting cash, fuel and parts, and ship cards with bonus cash to
cover the ones that need upgrades paid for. Players were two
second-timers and one novice.

The story card, picked randomly after we'd chosen ships and
leaders, was The Great Recession: very limited job pools, most money
wins. I'd decided to test myself a bit, so took Atherton on the
Interceptor, hoping for some similarly high-density crew.
Unfortunately I had a bad time of it and lost two crews to messed-up
single-Misbehave jobs (the new Crime & Punishment misbehaves can get
pretty vicious). The crew I ended up with was pretty decent, if rather

I ended up third out of four, with $8,300 at game end, some $6,000
behind the leader - and I'd only done that well thanks to a cortex
alert on Scrappers just as they started showing up at Persephone.

Still, a good evening's game, and the 3½ hours seemed like about the
right amount of time. (This time I set an alarm!) We'd emptied three
contact decks out of the four that trigger the end game by the time
the alarm went off, and we were mostly in make-work mode rather than
risking taking on more jobs that we'd have to pay for at the end.

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