Star Realms Frontiers
is the new expanded version of Star Realms, by Darwin Kastle.
I backed the Kickstarter last July, and it arrived on the last
day of August, though it had been promised for last December.
This is another fairly huge box, not helped by my having gone all-in
on the various extras and promo packs. (But everything does fit
inside, even the playmat, even before I've removed their wrappings.
I'll make some card dividers to keep them separate.)

The important thing here is Frontiers itself, which is a 1-4 player
game (and can be combined with the starting cards from the original
Star Realms or Colony Wars to support 5-6). I don't get to do a
lot of two-player gaming, so expanding the player count was my main
reason for getting this – and yes, while I could do that with the
Colony Wars I already own, this gives even more stuff and options
for variant games.
Then there are all the expansions, and I'm particularly interested in
the command decks (each one comes with a Legendary Commander and cards
that boost two favoured factions), and the Scenarios that give a
random tweak to each game.
Hero Realms was developed using the experience of Star Realms, but
it's themed as generic fantasy, which puts me off; Frontiers brings
the Hero Realms enhanced gameplay back into the Star Realms
universe of space battles (still pretty generic, but I find it more
fun). Definitely one I'll be taking to games events. With this and
Who Goes There, not to mention Firefly, I'm starting to think that
my sack-truck and folding crate solution may not be sufficient, and
perhaps a camping trolley is indicated...
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