I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly
Challenges. The
involved zeroing parts of a matrix and reordering a list.
You are given a matrix of size M x N
having only 0s
and 1s
Write a script to set the entire row and column to 0
if an element
is 0
Back to test-driven development.
use Test::More tests => 2;
'example 1',
'example 2',
Then the actual function.
sub zm {
my $in=shift;
Get the M and N sizes (assume N is consistent).
my $a=scalar @{$in}-1;
my $b=scalar @{$in->[0]}-1;
my %seta;
my %setb;
For each zero we find, flag the rows and columns in the list.
foreach my $ai (0..$a) {
foreach my $bi (0..$b) {
if ($in->[$ai][$bi]==0) {
Then, using those flags, zero the relevant cells. We may set a cell
more than once if it's in both a zeroed row and a zeroed column (or
indeed if it's the zero cell that triggered the setting in the first
place), but I suspect it's quicker to do that than to keep another
level of edit lists.
foreach my $aa (keys %seta) {
foreach my $bi (0..$b) {
foreach my $bb (keys %setb) {
foreach my $ai (0..$a) {
return $in;
You are given a singly linked list $L as below:
L0 → L1 → … → Ln-1 → Ln
Write a script to reorder list as below:
L0 → Ln → L1 → Ln-1 → L2 → Ln-2 →
Perl really doesn't do linked lists; there's rarely a need for them.
But I'll try to solve this in the spirit of the problem.
use Test::More tests => 2;
'example 1',
'example 2',
sub rl {
my $list=shift;
I'll ignore the contents for now, and simply build a list of indices
in the required order.
my $n=scalar @{$list};
my $nx=$n-1;
my @i;
foreach my $ni (0..int($nx/2)) {
push @i,$ni,$nx-$ni;
if ($i[-1] == $i[-2]) {
pop @i;
Now we have a list of indices, and we can rearrange the list of actual
data in a single operation with array slicing:
return $list;
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