This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues at the Marlow Donkey.
We began with The Stars Are
which I haven't played since… before I started logging game plays
in 2015. So this was something of a nostalgia trip for me; I used to
demo it for SJGames and it's still one of my favourite games of that
era, but I can see its problems – in particular, a bit like Alien
Frontiers, you can't really plan much before your turn actually
starts, so if you also take a while to spot patterns and decide what
to do it can go pretty slowly. (The other problem is more easily
fixed: when someone hits 10+ points, rather than stopping instantly,
finish the round, and if necessary keep playing more rounds until
there's a clear winner.)

Then The Red Dragon
Inn which
is of similar vintage: it's very random, with lots of take-that, but
one of the other players likes it a lot and it isn't terrible as an
occasional thing.

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