I drove to a village hall near Oxford, where the Oxford
Meeples were restarting their
periodic larger gatherings. All masked, hurrah.
The locals brought along a fair supply of games, so as it turned out
my portable games library wasn't needed.

I fell more or less at random into Clash of
a 4X game in (a small part of) the ancient world – that turned out to
be very clearly a conceptual ancestor to Star Trek Ascendancy in
many small details.

The objective cards gave me some guidance, though this had to be
tempered with sticking to one set of goals and not spreading my effort
too thinly.

The early turns rattled by, though we soon got into the fiddly
micromanagement side of things – helped by having only three actions
per player-turn.

Technologies gradually developed, and I ended up being able to stand
by while the other powers fought it out, exporting my religion to both
sides. (All right, equal second place, but that's better than I expect
to do in this sort of game.)

Probably about 4 hours in total, but great fun in spite of some issues
with downtime in the later game.

Several games ended at about the same time, so we got together for
Tsuro. Seven
players, and an end state I'd never seen before: no eliminations at
all until the very last pass round the table, so nobody ever drew new
cards, and I tied with another player for last survivor.

Play continued, but I was feeling quite tired after a busy week so
went home.
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