RogerBW's Blog

Palace of Spies, Sarah Zettel 05 October 2024

2018 historical adventure, first in a trilogy. Having had a fatal row with her guardian, Margaret Fitzroy finds herself with no option but to be sent as a spy into the court of King George, as one of the maids-of-honour to the Princess of Wales.

I've read stories which start along these lines, and the heroine's spying associates turn out to be a found family and everyone is happy. This is not one of those: Margaret can't trust any of her controls, whether they speak kindly to her or not. She's taking the place of a lady to whom she bears some resemblance, hoping that the excuse of a recent illness will be enough to cover lapses in memory—and it really won't be. Everyone has their own plans, whether for a Jacobite restoration or merely for personal enrichment, and they won't care in the slightest if one girl gets ground under their wheels.

Things go slowly at first, but once Margaret realises how desperately she needs to work out what the real Lady Francesca was up to matters pick up a bit. Lady Francesca's lover is also rather unexpected. And of course the palace is an environment of constant scrambles to be on top, if only for the lack of anything else to do. Margaret has a decent set of skills but no experience in untangling puzzles, and makes several mistakes before things are brought to a reasonably happy conclusion (though only in the sense of a volume 1).

Adventures, as it happens, are universally uncomfortable things, and as near as I can determine, are frowned upon by Nature and Nature's God. We had not been on the river yet half an hour before it began once more to rain: a steady downpour of determined drops such as would worm their way under all layers of cloth to leave me soaked to the skin and cold to my bones.

I've always liked Zettel's writing even when I haven't warmed to the books as a whole, and though there are some Americanisms here there's nothing egregious. I did spot one flaw in research, though:

Even in good weather, Matthew assured me, it was more than eight hours' hard ride from Hampton Court to Kensington.

It's about 18km, so even at a walking pace it shouldn't be more than four hours. (Our heroes take an oared boat to overtake someone travelling on horseback, which seems unlikely to work well in any circumstance.)

Oh well. But that could be fixed without derailing the plot, which ties neatly back into the real-world history that's a constant background presence. Not for me a masterpiece, but highly enjoyable and I'll read more.

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