I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved manipulations of word lists. (Note that this ends today.)
Task 1: Replace Words
You are given an array of words and a sentence.
Write a script to replace all words in the given sentence that start
with any of the words in the given array.
This feels like a tour of language features more than a problem to
solve: split a string to words, find matching starts, assemble a list
of words to a string. So that could be done fairly conventionally in
fun replacewords(ww: List<String>, a: String): String {
var out = ArrayList<String>()
for (w in a.split(" ")) {
var r = false
for (lw in ww) {
if (w.startsWith(lw)) {
r = true
if (!r) {
return out.joinToString(" ")
or more amusingly (to me) in PostScript:
/replacewords {
0 dict begin
/ww exch def
[ exch
( ) strsplit {
/w exch def
/r false def
ww {
/lw exch def
w lw anchorsearch {
pop pop
/r true def
} {
} ifelse
} forall
r not {
} if
} forall
] ( ) strjoin
} bind def
Task 2: Word Search
You are given a grid of characters and a string.
Write a script to determine whether the given string can be found in the given grid of characters. You may start anywhere and take any orthogonal path, but may not reuse a grid cell.
Something I've been playing with recently is to use a hash for grid
traversal problems, rather than a list of lists. That way I just need
to check whether a neighbour cell exists rather than worry about
boundary conditions.
For languages that don't have a hashable sequence type (most of them),
I arbitrarily decide that the grid won't exceed 64 cells in row length.
sub encode($x, $y) {
return $x * 64 + $y;
sub decode($z) {
return [int($z / 64), $z % 64];
Construct the coordinate grid of characters.
sub wordsearch($grid0, $word0) {
my %grid;
while (my ($y, $row) = each @{$grid0}) {
while (my ($x, $c) = each @{$row}) {
$grid{encode($x, $y)} = $c;
Split the target word into an array of characters.
my @word = split '', $word0;
Iterate over each grid cell as a starting point.
while (my ($start, $firstletter) = each %grid) {
If it has the right letter, let's look deeper.
if ($firstletter eq $word[0]) {
Initialise the queue.
my @queue = ([$start]);
while (scalar @queue > 0) {
my @pos = @{shift @queue};
if (scalar @pos == scalar @word) {
If we've found the full length of the word, we have a success.
return 1;
} else {
Try in each orthogonal direction.
foreach my $dir ([0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]) {
my $lpos = decode($pos[-1]);
my $npos = [$lpos->[0] + $dir->[0], $lpos->[1] + $dir->[1]];
my $np = encode(@{$npos});
my %posmap = map {$_ => 1} @pos;
If there is a grid cell there, and it's a grid cell that we haven't
already visited in this word, and it has the right letter in it, add
it to the queue.
if (exists $grid{$np} &&
!exists $posmap{$np} &&
$grid{$np} eq $word[scalar @pos]) {
push @queue, [@pos, $np];
If we exhausted all possibilities, return false.
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