RogerBW's Blog

Twelve Days of Winter, Stuart MacBride 16 September 2024

2011 tartan noir, collection of loosely-linked short stories. It's a few days before Christmas in Oldcastle, and several people won't be having a merry Christmas.

The Weekly Challenge 286: The Game of Order 15 September 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved quinelikes and list processing. (Note that this ends today.)

The Allingham Minibus, Margery Allingham 14 September 2024

1973 collection of short supernatural and mystery stories

Thornbound, Stephanie Burgis 13 September 2024

2019 fantasy. Cassandra Harwood has got her magical school for young ladies, but many people would like it to fail.

The Splinter in the Sky, Kemi Ashing-Giwa 12 September 2024

2023 SF. Enitan is a scribe and tea cultivator on Koriko, conquered a few years ago by the Vaalbaran Empire. But when her sibling disappears, and her highly-placed friend promises to help her in the search and promptly winds up dead, she volunteers to travel to the mother world as a hostage…

A Perilous Undertaking, Deanna Raybourn 11 September 2024

2017 historical thriller, second of its series. After a planned expedition has to be abandoned, Veronica Speedwell and her undeclared beau Stoker are bored in London, and easily lured into investigating a Bohemian murder…

The Kindly Ones, Melissa Scott 10 September 2024 - 2 comments

1987 sf. On the gas giant moons of Orestes and Electra, a harsh honour code has been mellowed by allowing "social death" to replace execution. But the system still isn't stable.

The Witchwood Knot, Olivia Atwater 09 September 2024

2023 gothic fantasy, first of a planned series. Winifred Hall takes up a position as governess at Witchwood Manor, complete with brooding lord, old lady in the attic, enigmatic butler, and other traditional strangenesses.

The Weekly Challenge 285: Making Connections 08 September 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved network analysis and change calculation. (Note that this ends today.)

The Siren Depths, Martha Wells 07 September 2024

2012 fantasy, last of its trilogy. Moon is taken from his adoptive court by what may be his birth family, but it's all much more complicated than that.

Only Hard Problems, Jennifer Estep 06 September 2024

2024 short romantic SF novel, side story in Galactic Bonds. Zane Zimmer tries to juggle his position as chief hatchet-man to a psychotic emperor with the demands of his highly-placed family…

Neighbourly Games 2 September 05 September 2024

More gaming with some nearby friends.

Daughter of Mystery, Heather Rose Jones 04 September 2024

2014 Ruritanian fantasy. Barbara is the elderly Baron's bodyguard-duellist, and after his death is passed on with most of his property to his distant niece Margerit—who mostly wants to study miracles at the university…

Hexicon 3 03 September 2024

Hexicon is a small church-hall convention held quite close to me.

Hard Time, Jodi Taylor 02 September 2024

2020 science fiction, second in the Time Police sub-series in the Chronicles of St Mary's continuity (time travel). Team Weird continues to be the dangerous intellectuals of the Time Police.

The Weekly Challenge 284: Lucky Relative 01 September 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved a list search and an unusual sort. (Note that this ends today.)

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