I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly
Challenges. The
was about arranging numbers and arithmetical operations.
For the first part, I visualised eight slots between the numbers,
each of which could contain +, - or nothing at all. 3^8 is only 6,561,
which should present no difficulty in an exhaustive search.
my @base=(1..9);
my @sv=('','-','+');
my $maxdepth=8;
my @si=(0) x $maxdepth;
while (1) {
For each possible combination, we evaluate it and list it if it's a success.
my $str=join('',map {$base[$_].$sv[$si[$_]]} (0..$maxdepth-1)).$base[$maxdepth];
my $tot=eval($str);
if ($tot == 100) {
print "$str\n";
Then do a standard nested loop increment: start with slot 0 and carry
forward when it overflows.
my $i=0;
while ($i < $maxdepth) {
if ($si[$i] <= $#sv) {
if ($i >= $maxdepth) {
Perl6 is the same, but eval has been sort-of removed from the
language; there's an EVAL function (surrounded with dire warnings),
which is desperately slow. On my desktop box, my code above runs in
0.07 seconds; on the same machine, the Perl6 version, which is
basically identical apart from syntax details, takes 51.
For the second problem, I decided to do this the amusing way. So I
build a list of (working total, operation chain) pairs, starting with
1 and an empty list.
my @seq=([1,[]]);
my $goal=200;
while (1) {
Each time I pull an item off the top of the list, I see if it's the
goal (in which case it's a shortest path to the goal, so we print the
path and exit).
my $s=shift @seq;
if ($s->[0] == $goal) {
print join(', ',map {['double','add 1']->[$_]} @{$s->[1]}),"\n";
Otherwise, we create two more list entries, one with each possible
path from this point (doubling or adding).
push @seq,[$s->[0]*2,[@{$s->[1]},0]];
push @seq,[$s->[0]+1,[@{$s->[1]},1]];
On the other hand this is basically just a binary decomposition, if we
regard the "double" operation as "add a zero at the end of the number"
and the "add 1" operation as "turn the trailing zero to a 1". Thus the
Perl6 solution:
my $goal=200;
my @stack;
for sprintf('%b',$goal).split('',:skip-empty) -> $op {
push @stack,'double';
if ($op == 1) {
push @stack,'add 1';
say join(', ',@stack);
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