RogerBW's Blog

The RogerBW Manifesto (2024 edition) 05 June 2024 - 2 comments

It's time again for my occasional political rant. As usual, these are the things I'd try to do if anyone were daft enough to put me in charge; they're also promises that would encourage me to vote for people who made them.

Life in the Plague Weeks 05 April 2020 - 9 comments

So we finally got something like precautions being applied, though piecemeal and rather later than would have been sensible.

Oh well 13 December 2019 - 12 comments

Well, we're fucked then.

The RogerBW Manifesto (2019 edition) 26 November 2019 - 6 comments

It's election season again in the UK. These are the things I'd try to do if anyone were daft enough to put me in charge; they're also promises that would encourage me to vote for people who made them.

Marching in London again 22 October 2019 - 3 comments

I went along to the march on Saturday, again not because I think it will help, but because I'd have felt bad if I hadn't.

Marching in London 25 March 2019 - 5 comments

I went along to the march on Saturday, not because I think it will help, but because I'd have felt bad if I hadn't.

The morning after 24 June 2016 - 6 comments

The shepherd will tend his sheep
The valley will bloom again
And Jimmy will go to sleep
In his own little room again now what? (Check back on this in a year or two to see whether I was right.)

An argument for the UK to remain as part of the EU 23 June 2016 - 3 comments

This is quite separate from the political arguments, which I don't intend to go into even today. It's a very simple appeal to money.

A utopian vision for electric cars 29 October 2015 - 2 comments

I have an idea for a relatively simple change which would remove some of my objections to the use of electric cars. This is less blatantly utopian than the last one.

A utopian vision for transport 19 September 2015 - 7 comments

Driverless cars, quite apart from privacy concerns, are solving the wrong problem. Here's what I want to build to replace the majority of transport infrastructure. It is unabashedly utopian.

The Wreck of the Liberal Democrats 11 June 2015 - 3 comments

The obvious story of woe of the recent General Election in the UK is that of the Liberal Democrats, who lost 66% of their vote share and 85% of their parliamentary seats compared with five years ago, leaving them about as much of a political force as the DUP. What went wrong?

Who Is David Fitton? 07 May 2015 - 5 comments

The Wycombe parliamentary constituency has been Conservative since 1951. It has often had candidates from obscure parties, but since 2001 there's been an Independent: one David Fitton.

The RogerBW Manifesto (2015 edition) 20 January 2015 - 13 comments

It's election season here in the UK – for the first time, since we've moved to fixed-term Parliaments, a protracted American-style election season rather than a few short weeks. These are the things I'd try to do if anyone were daft enough to put me in charge; they're also promises that would encourage me to vote for people who made them.

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