RogerBW's Blog

Romancing the Stone 30 September 2023 - 1 comment

1984 adventure, dir. Robert Zemeckis, Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner: IMDb / AllMovie. Joan the mousy romance writer has to travel to Colombia to pay off the people who've kidnapped her sister…

The Lilliput Legion, Simon Hawke 29 September 2023

1989 SF, ninth of its series. In 1702 Lemuel Gulliver is drinking himself to death, having encountered tiny men after a shipwreck. Obviously a job for the Time Commandos.

Tabletop Scotland 2023 28 September 2023 - 6 comments

Back to one of my favourite conventions, though only for an abbreviated visit this time.

Spectred Isle, K J Charles 27 September 2023

2017 fantasy, first of a projected series. It's 1923, and most of England's occultists died during the War. But magical threats haven't gone away…

High Road to China 26 September 2023

1983 adventure, dir. Brian G. Hutton, Tom Selleck, Bess Armstrong: IMDb / AllMovie. It's the 1920s. Eve Tozer's father will be declared dead, and his crooked business partner will take over the company, unless she can find him and get him to a British court. What this needs is a drunken war hero!

A Six-Letter Word For Death, Patricia Moyes 25 September 2023

1983 mystery, sixteenth in the series about Superintendent Henry Tibbett. Tibbett receives a letter from an obvious crank: a crossword, to which the answers hint at undetected murders. The resolution of that is straightforward enough, but it's only the beginning…

The Weekly Challenge 235: One, Zero 24 September 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved spotting sequences, and duplicating list entries. (Note that this ends today.)

Cthulhu Eternal WWI 23 September 2023 - 1 comment

I've localised another SRD book for Cthulhu Eternal.

Wheel of the Infinite, Martha Wells 22 September 2023

2000 fantasy. Maskelle was a high-ranking priest, but did something bad and has been living in exile. Now she's called back to Duvalpore, because something strange is going on with the Hundred-Year Rite that will reinforce the world…

Marlow Board Games 21 August 2023 21 September 2023

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues.

She Commands Me And I Obey, Ann Leckie 20 September 2023 - 4 comments

2014 SF short story, set in the same universe as the Imperial Radch series. Her-Breath-Contains-The-Universe is is a junior monk in a monastery (on a space station) that also trains players for something like the Mesoamerican ballgame, which has political significance too…

Paul Temple and the Sullivan Mystery 19 September 2023

2006 remount of the 1947 audio thriller by Francis Durbridge, in 8 parts. Paul and Steve are asked to take a pair of spectacles with them on their trip to Cairo…

Seven Sisters, Celia Lake 18 September 2023

2020 romantic fantasy, seventh and last of its loose series. Vivian Porter's inquiry agency is humming along, so she does a favour for a friend by looking into strange goings-on at a boarding house outside Oxford.

The Weekly Challenge 234: Triplets with Character 17 September 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved messing about with lists. (Note that this ends today.)

The Running Man 16 September 2023 - 3 comments

1987 science fiction action, dir. Paul Michael Glaser, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Dawson: IMDb / allmovie. The only real game is the game of death.

Frog in the Throat, Elizabeth Ferrars 15 September 2023

1980 mystery. Virginia is staying in the country with some friends, but when her estranged husband Felix turns up there's bound to be trouble…

Games Afternoon At Home 14 September 2023

More gamers at home, on a warmer afternoon than last time.

The Chase, Kristine Kathryn Rusch 13 September 2023

2021 science fiction in the Diving Universe series. Everything lands in the same place all at once.

Predator 12 September 2023 - 4 comments

1987 science fiction action horror, dir. John McTiernan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers: IMDb / allmovie. There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man.

All Mortal Flesh, Julia Spencer-Fleming 11 September 2023

2006 mystery (modern police procedural plus amateur), fifth in its series. Van Alstyne the police chief is known to be on the outs with his wife, which makes it awkward when her body is found…

The Weekly Challenge 233: Similar Frequency 10 September 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved reducing lists in various ways. (Note that this ends today. And 232 was cancelled as the administrator was unwell)

Kris Longknife's Bloodhound, Mike Shepherd 09 September 2023

2013 military SF novella, side story to Furious in the Kris Longknife series. The detective who failed to catch Kris does some investigation on her behalf.

Marlow Board Games 7 August 2023 08 September 2023

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues.

Realtime Interrupt, James P. Hogan 07 September 2023 - 4 comments

1995 SF. Joe wakes up in a hospital with serious memory loss: he overdid things, it seems, and had a major breakdown. But bits of the world are wrong.

Commando 06 September 2023 - 2 comments

1985 action, dir. Mark Lester, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rae Dawn Chong: IMDb / allmovie. A tragic love story.

The Franchise Affair, Josephine Tey 05 September 2023

1948 mystery. Robert Blair is a solicitor in a country town, settling comfortably into middle age. Then the two odd women who've moved into the impractical and isolated house known as The Franchise find themselves accused of kidnapping and torture…

Games Afternoon At Home 04 September 2023

Got some games (and gamers) together on a wet afternoon.

Hold Fast Through the Fire, K. B. Wagers 03 September 2023

2021 military SF, second of its trilogy. The crew/found family of the not-Coast-Guard spaceship Zuma's Ghost are having to say goodbye to old members and welcome new ones.

The Poisoned Chocolates Case 02 September 2023 - 1 comment

1984 audio adaptation by Neville Teller of Anthony Berkeley's 1929 mystery, in one 90-minute episode. The womanising Sir Eustace was sent a box of chocolates, which he gave to Graham Bendix; Graham was taken ill, and his wife died. A circle of amateur criminologists tries to work out what happened.

The Winter Companion, Mimi Matthews 01 September 2023

2020 Victorian romance. Neville Cross has always got on with animals better than with people, particularly since the injury that made it hard for him to speak. Clara Hartwright is a lady's companion with unconventional plans for the future. Will they turn a brief acquaintance during a Christmas visit into something more?

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