RogerBW's Blog

Neighbourly Games 21 October 25 October 2024

More gaming with some nearby friends.

Frostgilded, Stephanie Burgis 24 October 2024

2019 fantasy short story, epilogue to Thornbound.. Two years later, Cassandra is determined to celebrate her anniversary.

Airecon West 23 October 2024

Back to ACWest–now moved out of the Ramada and into the Telford International Centre down the road. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Past Lying, Val McDermid 22 October 2024

2023 mystery, seventh in the Karen Pirie series. As COVID restrictions start in Scotland, a researcher at the National Library contacts the Historic Cases Unit with an unfinished manuscript in the papers of a dead writer which shows some remarkable parallels with a real murder.

Dark Lord's Daughter, Patricia C. Wrede 21 October 2024

2023 fantasy. Kayla's day out at the State Fair suddenly includes a stranger telling her that she's the daughter of the previous Dark Lord of Zaradwin, and bringing her and her family across worlds to commence her rule of evil.

The Weekly Challenge 291: Index Poker 20 October 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list evaluation and poker hands. (Note that this ends today.)

Half a Soul, Olivia Atwater 19 October 2024

2020 fantasy romance, first of a series. Theodora Ettings meets a fairy lord in the woods, and half her soul is stolen before her cousin Vanessa can rescue her. With her emotions largely missing, can she avoid scandal long enough to see Vanessa though her Season in London?

Gone Away, Hazel Holt 18 October 2024

1989 mystery; Holt's first novel. Sheila Malory is a widow in a Devon town, who gets involved in all the local Good Works. Naturally that ends up including poking about in a local murder. US vt Mrs Malory Investigates.

Listen to the Silence, Marcia Muller 17 October 2024

2000 mystery, twentieth in Muller's series about Sharon McCone, private investigator in San Francisco. Sharon's father dies, and when she's going through his things she finds a very surprising document. Spoilers.

Random in Death, J. D. Robb 16 October 2024

2024 romance/SF/mystery; 58th novel of Robb's In Death series (SF police procedurals). Someone's poisoning girls in public places; Dallas investigates.

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