2023 gothic fantasy, first of a planned series. Winifred Hall takes up a position as governess at Witchwood Manor, complete with brooding lord, old lady in the attic, enigmatic butler, and other traditional strangenesses.
I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved network analysis and change calculation. (Note that this ends today.)
2012 fantasy, last of its trilogy. Moon is taken from his adoptive court by what may be his birth family, but it's all much more complicated than that.
2024 short romantic SF novel, side story in Galactic Bonds. Zane Zimmer tries to juggle his position as chief hatchet-man to a psychotic emperor with the demands of his highly-placed family…
More gaming with some nearby friends.
2014 Ruritanian fantasy. Barbara is the elderly Baron's bodyguard-duellist, and after his death is passed on with most of his property to his distant niece Margerit—who mostly wants to study miracles at the university…
Hexicon is a small church-hall convention held quite close to me.
2020 science fiction, second in the Time Police sub-series in the Chronicles of St Mary's continuity (time travel). Team Weird continues to be the dangerous intellectuals of the Time Police.
I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved a list search and an unusual sort. (Note that this ends today.)
2020 romantic fantasy. Stephen was a paladin, but his god has died: he still has the potential for berserk rage, but not the assurance that he's being used for the right. Grace is a perfumer with a supernal sense of smell and a habit of stumbling into trouble…