I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved various summation-like operations. (Note that this is open
until 8 May 2022.)
Task 1: Sum Bitwise Operator
You are given list positive numbers, @n
Write script to calculate the sum of bitwise & operator for all unique pairs.
In other words, bitwise-and each pair of numbers, and return the
total. (Why?)
For me this was a test of the ease of use of various languages'
and reduce
functions. For some it was least painful to
lay it out in full, such as Kotlin (also Javascript, PostScript, Lua,
and as it turned out Rust):
fun sumbitwise(ls: List<Int>): Int {
var s = 0
for (i in 0..ls.size-2) {
for (j in i+1..ls.size-1) {
s += ls[i] and ls[j]
return s
while in Raku (and Ruby) it could be a one-liner:
sub sumbitwise(@ls) {
return @ls.combinations(2).map({$_[0] +& $_[1]}).sum;
Perl (with Algorithm::Combinatorics
) and Python lay somewhere in
Task 2: Summations
You are given a list of positive numbers, @n
Write a script to find out the summations as described below.
The nth Row starts with the second element of the (n-1)th row.
The following element is sum of all elements except first element of
previous row.
You stop once you have just one element in the row.
In other words, repeatedly replace [a,b,c,d]
with [b,b+c,b+c+d]
until there's only one element left, and return that. For the
five-element examples given, this would come out as 5b+5c+3d+e
, but
I worked it out iteratively anyway.
I haven't given a PostScript example for one of these for a while:
/summation {
2 dict begin
/ls exch def
Loop until we've got just one value.
ls length 1 eq {
} if
Build a new array consisting of the relevant sums.
1 1 ls length 1 sub {
/s 0 def
1 exch 1 exch {
ls exch get s add /s exch def
} for
} for
] /ls exch def
} loop
Return the first (and only) value in the array.
ls 0 get
} bind def
More conventionally in Ruby (where inject
is what it calls
), but basically the same algorithm:
def summation(ls0)
ls = ls0
while ls.length > 1 do
lv = []
1.upto(ls.length - 1).each do |i|
lv.push((1..i).inject(0) {|sum, n| sum + ls[n]})
ls = lv
return ls[0]
Full code on
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