I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved more numerical series. (Note that this is
open until 19 June 2022.)
Task 1: Brilliant Numbers
Write a script to generate first 20 Brilliant Numbers.
I.e. numbers with exactly two prime factors, of the same (base-10)
length. So what I want to do is generate all the primes of a length,
multiply them together pairwise, and if I don't have enough values add
one to the length and do it again. I use a technique similar to the
one in #167 two weeks ago, generating each set of length-N primes as a
group. Python:
def brilliant(ct):
base = 1
out = set()
while True:
Generate one digit-count's worth of primes (e.g. 1..9, 10..99, etc.)
pl = [x for x in genprimes(base * 10) if x >= base]
Doubly iterate over the range, for each distinct multiplicative combination.
for ai in range(len(pl)):
for bi in range(ai,len(pl)):
out.add(pl[ai] * pl[bi])
If I've got enough results, leave and process them.
if len(out) >= ct:
Otherwise, add a digit and continue.
base *= 10
Convert the results into a list, sort it, and return the first ct
entries of it.
o = list(out)
return o[0:ct]
Task 2: Achilles Numbers
Write a script to generate first 20 Achilles Numbers.
These are numbers which are powerful (prime factorisation has no terms
of power = 1) but imperfect (are not a perfect power, i.e. have no
integer roots).
This can be resolved purely by looking at the exponents of the prime
there must be at least two terms
the lowest term must be at least 2
the greatest common divisor of the terms is 1
I already have prime factorisation code, and indeed for the languages
that don't have it built in (most of them) a gcd function. Raku:
sub achilles($ct) {
Initialise output list and candidate.
my @o;
my $n = 1;
while (True) {
Increment candidate.
Get the list of exponents.
my @pv = primefactor($n).values;
If there are at least two terms, and
if (@pv.elems > 1 &&
the lowest term is at least 2, and
min(@pv) >= 2 &&
the gcd is 1 (using the syntax for a built-in infix operator)
@pv.reduce(&infix:<gcd>) == 1) {
then this is a valid Achilles number. If we have enough, exit.
push @o,$n;
if (@o.elems >= $ct) {
return @o;
Full code on
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