I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved a binary expansion and string analysis. (Note that this
closes today.)
Task 1: Binary String
You are given an integer, $n > 0
Write a script to find all possible binary numbers of size $n
So that's everything from zero to one less than 1 << n
. Easy enough.
sub binarystring($n) {
my @o;
foreach my $a (0..(1 << $n)-1) {
push @o,sprintf('%0'.$n.'b', $a);
return \@o;
…I mean, I could have used a recursive incremental approach to build
up the string character by character, but this just seemed cleaner.
Lots of variation in how you get a binary number string, of course.
Task 2: Odd String
You are given a list of strings of same length, @s.
Write a script to find the odd string in the given list. Use
positional value of alphabet starting with 0, i.e. a = 0, b = 1, ...
z = 25.
Find the difference array for each string as shown in the example.
Then pick the odd one out.
In other words, "abc" and "fgh" would both become [1, 1]
, but "fec"
would be [-1, -2]
I end up doing this just one character at a time and bailing out when
we reach a singleton.
fun oddstring(ss: List<String>): String {
We know each string is the same length, so the outer iteration is by
character index.
for (i in 0..ss[0].length-2) {
Set up the table of differences.
var tab = mutableMapOf<Int, ArrayList<String>>()
For each string,
for (s in ss) {
work out the difference in code between character i
and the next,
val v = s[i+1].code - s[i].code
and store the string in the hash indexed by the difference.
var ll = tab.getOrDefault(v, ArrayList<String>())
tab.put(v, ll)
Then for each hash value (list of strings),
for (j in tab.values) {
if there's only one string in that list (for this difference value),
if (j.size == 1) {
it's the answer, so return it.
return j[0]
Otherwise go on to the next character. If we never got a match, return
an empty string.
return ""
Full code on
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