RogerBW's Blog

Star Wars X-Wing collection 09 September 2014

It was a warm night… the moon was full (actually it was just past new)… one of the Reading Boardgames Social guys was selling off his X-Wing collection… (With images.)

So much for my gaming budget for the rest of the year. This is the full fleet. (Third-party vinyl mat found on Amazon.)

First the Rebel scum. Five X-Wings (including one with the Escort paint scheme), two B-Wings (hurrah!), an A-Wing, two Y-Wings, an E-Wing and a Z-95 Headhunter. Larger ships are two HWK-290s (the biggest ships I've seen on the standard flight bases), a Millennium Falcon, and a Rebel transport. The latter is a little under-scale so as to remain playable; it would come out around thirteen inches if it stuck strictly to the 1/270 that the fighters use, whereas it's actually an inch or two shorter. (And an Imperial Star Destroyer would be nearly twenty feet long. Which is why the big ships got their own separate game; to fighters, a Star Destroyer is hazardous terrain, not a combatant ship.)

Now for the forces of peace and order. (They're just misunderstood, you know. Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant. Or maybe I should just say #NotAllStormtroopers.) Anyway, seven TIEs (I think it's fair to call that a swarm), two TIE Advanced, four TIE Interceptors (including the two Ace paint schemes), two TIE Bomber, one TIE Phantom and one TIE Defender (I rather like the threefold symmetry being used on the latter two). Bigger units are Slave 1 and the Lambda-class Shuttle, another of the ships for which I love the visual design.

This includes at least one of everything up to Wave 4, except for the Tantive IV (another huge ship). I do not need to buy any more X-Wing stuff for really quite a while yet. Which is good, because I can't afford to. Anyone want to buy some games?

  1. Posted by Owen Smith at 01:07pm on 09 September 2014

    I've always liked the design of the Lambda Class Shuttle. Even if the wings are pointless on a spacecraft, Star Wars is the kind of game where that really doesn't matter.

  2. Posted by RogerBW at 01:32pm on 09 September 2014

    Yeah, they show non-wing-lifted ships like TIE fighters flying through atmosphere, so clearly they have contragravity everywhere and wings aren't essential. So it's mostly a matter of whatever looks good.

    A few years ago I had a go at designing a sensible space fighter; it ended up as a polyhedral framework mounting directional thrusters on each corner, with everything else in a central pod. I really ought to take another pass at that some time.

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