Back to three players, and a reserved table, at the
boardgame café. With images;
cc-by-sa on

We started once more with
Splendor, which
is staying on my buy list even though I did fairly badly again. The
copy in the shop has clearly seen some hard use, particularly the
cards, but it's standing up well.

Then it was time for
Suburbia, a game
that at least two of us had been meaning to try for a while. The basic
idea is that you're putting down building tiles in your particular
borough, aiming for the best combination of income (to get more stuff)
and reputation (to bring in more people); most things boost one but
not the other. I started off lagging badly, without very much of
either, and since you seem in effect to control your rate of
population change but score on total population I thought I might come
off very badly.

However, by building a Resort (which scored off everyone's residential
tiles, and while I only had two there were plenty of others on the
board), then doubling it, I managed to get out ahead towards the end
of the game. One of the open goals was ten points for largest
connected water, which I easily had (and with Waterfront Realty had
been getting extra money for all game); the secret goal I'd chosen was
a further twenty points for the same thing.
Downtime was a problem in early turns, but once we all got things
which were affected by other people's tiles we got more involved.
Definitely an interesting game, with multiple possible strategies,
though they won't all be open to one in the same game. One that I want
to play again, and it's moved onto my to-buy list.
We finished off with
Bang! The Dice Game,
which particularly as a three-player game wasn't much fun. I've heard
good things about the card game version, but I suspect even that would
work better with more players (it's officially for 4-7). As it was,
this one just felt random, and my victory didn't seem to have been
earned at all. (Note from Future RogerBW: see linked post for a better
game experience.)
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