Every so often I get an enthusiasm for something, go hard at it for a
bit, then drop it again. I'm on my third go round with Simutrans.
It's an open-source transport simulator, loosely modelled on
Transport Tycoon.
(The competitor is OpenTTD. Many people have strong preferences for
one or the other.)
Graphics are boring old isometric 2½D. Sounds… well, I'm told it has
sounds. Those aren't really what I care about in a game. One's
building a network of roads, railways, air routes, etc., to transport
passengers and freight from one place to another. Obviously this helps
to satisfy the model railway urge (which is probably part of why I
started playing with computers in the first place).
It's also the sort of game that I can play for far too long. There's
no obvious break between one turn and the next to remind you of the
passage of time, and there's no absolute victory condition (you can
always carry on running and improving your transport network).
And maybe I obsess over it just a little bit. Keeps me off the
streets, innit?
There are two modes of play. In the main one, one's trying to make a
profit while paying for infrastructure and running costs. With the
freeplay switch, money is irrelevant, and one's baroque imagination
has no limit.
Oh, I don't just mean things like stacking three tracks on top of each
other to get through a narrow canyon without having to rearrange the

Nor even the construction of huge stations to serve tiny towns (if you
build it, they will come; more importantly, grab the land when the
town is still small and you can easily run track right into the

It's more things like a huge station in the middle of nowhere, with a
remarkably small footprint. (This was a proof of concept. If rather
than linking directly from town to town you run a separate line from
the central station to each town, can you still make a profit on the
travel? It appears so. I should have called it Crewe.)

Or it's a comprehensively over-engineered underground railway system.
(Which can also make a profit eventually, though you have to be
careful not to go bankrupt while you're building it.)

The game has a variety of "paksets", collections of graphics and
vehicle stats. The one I've used in these examples is
"pak128.Britain", a medium-resolution set with a broadly British
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