With my Men in Black hat on, I
conspired with the
boardgame café in Oxford to run a
Revolution! tournament. With
images; cc-by-sa on
Although quite a few people had said they'd turn up, pressure of
revision seems to have kept some of them away, and in the end we had
five players. Since Revolution is best with four or six, I stepped in
to play (while disqualifying myself from winning). We used the new
Anarchy expansion, which
levelled the field a bit between the couple of old hands and the new

Things got off to a fairly conventional start, though the Heretic saw
a lot of early use.

I failed to get anywhere with my usual Harbour-Cathedral combination,
but managed to establish an early lead in Cathedral and Inn, and those
locations were never seriously challenged.

Overuse of the Heretic led to Dan (yellow) having something like
uncontested control of the Asylum, and he ended up with the Jail as

But in the end Nathan (black) took the victory; I edged into second
place with a last-turn Anarchist Printer. Scores were spread between
165 and 25.

We carried on with
Skull, which
I haven't played for a while; I did well to start with, but everyone
else caught up with me eventually.

Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre,
which is about as random as one might expect. That doesn't stop it
being fun, though I don't suppose I'd play it every week.

We wound down with
Cosmic Encounter,
where I managed to pull out a joint victory (which is rather better
than I'd been expecting to manage). One I'd like to play more, and now
I have a copy.

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