Back to this this small quarterly boardgames convention in Watford.
I started as usual with Nicola Zealey's customised
Wings of Glory,
where we took late-war fighters in an observation scenario. Both
balloons and fixed-wing aircraft were on the table, and would accrue
observation points as the game progressed, unless shot down.

Or, as it turned out, getting "crew hit" special damage cards, which
happened rather a lot (only five of the cards in a fairly thick deck
of damage results, but three of them came up). We didn't get in a lot
of fighting before it became apparent that our side couldn't win.

Some X-Wing next, by request from several people who
hadn't played it before. Since all of them had played a fair bit of
Wings of Glory, I didn't use the introductory scenario, but rather set
up a "double basic set" 64-point balanced game with named characters:
Mauler Mithel / TIE Fighter
"Winged Gundark" / TIE Fighter
Backstabber / TIE Fighter
Night Beast / TIE Fighter
Luke Skywalker / X-Wing
Wedge Antilles / X-Wing
(All right, several of those cards are actually from expansion packs,
but I deliberately picked ones with fairly simple abilities to show
how the full game worked without going into the depths of complexity
with ion cannon and cloaks and so on.)

The TIEs did what TIEs do best: concentrate on a single target.

Poor old Wedge was in trouble. And gone. Though this left the
Imperials in a less than ideal position.

Luke swept in as the TIEs tried to work their way through the asteroids.

Everything devolved into the traditional chain of collisions.

But with several ships taking asteroid hits, weight of fire told, and
even R2-D2 couldn't save the day. The players seemed happy, and I
think this works as a fairly gentle introduction to the game for four
players. Even if we didn't end up doing any barrel rolls.

A home-brew version of
Cash 'n' Guns
next, where I took joint second place in spite of never having played
before. Quite fun, but slight; I'll play if it's on offer but I don't
suppose I'll seek it out.

Finally, For Sale, a
double auction game: first you bid for properties with your money,
then you bid for money with your… properties…? It doesn't entirely
make sense, but it was enjoyable and didn't outstay its welcome.

Thanks to Lawrence for organising things again. The next one will
probably be on 22 August, but details will in any case be on
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