More X-Wing at Wycombe Warband, first
time I'd made it for a while. With images;
cc-by-sa on
Having played the Imperials a bit, I thought I'd try a Rebel force:
Ten Numb / B-Wing
Advanced Sensors
Tycho Celchu / A-Wing
Push the Limit
Assault Missiles
Red Squadron Pilot / X-Wing
R2 Astromech
and Phil brought four Scum:
Kavil / Y-Wing
Push the Limit
Blaster Turret
Bomb Loadout
Seismic Charges
Unhinged Astromech
Engine Upgrade
Drea Renthal / Y-Wing
Ion Cannon Turret
Bomb Loadout
Proximity Mines
Shield Upgrade
Binayre Pirate / Z-95 Headhunter
Dead Man's Switch
Binayre Pirate / Z-95 Headhunter
Dead Man's Switch

The A-wing rushed in first. The Assault Missile is mostly there in
case my opponent brings a TIE swarm, but since the enemy didn't
disperse it seemed like a good opportunity to use it.

The Y-wings took some hits, and the A moved to evade. Unfortunately he
got hit by ion cannon fire, and everyone else's weapons. One of the
Binayres also went up, his dead man's switch damaging his own side.

My B-wing was configured as a slugger, but it really shouldn't have got
into that tight space.

This is the point at which the B-wing died, though he didn't know it
yet: one hit from the asteroid (and another when he moved off), three
from the mine, and then he got shot as well.

One Y-wing went down, and the other was fading fast.

But fire from the remaining Headhunter took out the weakened B-wing.

And then there were two. Slight advantage to the X-wing, but it was
basically a battle of manoeuvre.

In the end I lost by trying to be unpredictable, losing a firing
opportunity when my enemy had one. Congratulations to Phil, who had
some horrible dice luck early on. I think this Rebel squad works
reasonably well for me, though I need to think more about tactics.

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