Two current kickstarter projects hold a distinct appeal, so I thought I'd
mention them here.
One is
High Frontier
(expires on 2 August), a game of space mining and colonisation which,
well, I think you can tell whether you'll be interested by your
reaction to the game board:

Some people go "erk". Some go "oooooh". I am in the "oooooh" category.
I may have trouble finding people to play it with, but it's still a
lovely thing. The game goes all the way to the simulationist end of
the scale, but hey, I play Harpoon too.
The other is
Nuclear War
(expires on 3 August),
a light and silly card game that is now fifty years old. My old set
has lost lots of cards over the years, and while it's not a game I
pull out often it's good for the start or end of a session. OK, it's
pretty much canonical Ameritrash randomness, but that doesn't mean it
isn't fun sometimes. (Though I confess I'm still havering on this one.)
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