Back to this small quarterly boardgames convention in Watford.
I started as usual with Nicola Zealey's customised
Wings of Glory,
this time in a plain fight rather than a scenario. I had a
Siemens-Schuckert D.III, with excellent climbing and turning

We also started much closer together than usual, to initiate the
dogfight quickly. In the initial pass, the usual luck of the cards
quickly told, and the two aircraft that had ganged up on a third came
off worse than the one they'd attacked.

On the other hand I did manage to set both the enemy planes on fire
before being shot down.

The enemy Brisfit was chivvied back over his own lines, and the two
remaining planes got into a turning fight, won by my ally.
A team victory, mostly by the other player on my side, but it was
still a satisfying game. Pity the damage cards are so random, but
that's life.

We tried Spyfall
next; it's been getting a lot of buzz lately. I found it all right,
though I wasn't as grabbed by it as some people were; it seemed to get
a bit samey even after three rounds.
We went on to
Mars Attacks: The Dice Game,
which I haven't played since it was newly out. It's been characterised
Zombie Dice
with a bit more strategy, and I think that's fair. I thought I'd been
doing reasonably well, but ended up coming last.

Splendor, one I
haven't had out for a while because of the size of the box relative to
the size of the game. I must find a way of packing this into something
smaller, which will mean writing a compact rule sheet.

I tried concentrating on a couple of colours, going for the
red/green/blue and red/blue nobles.

In the end I got one of them, but there weren't any reds on the table
for me to get the other. So I ended up simply grabbing two victory
points to win.

First Splendor I've won for a while. This is another one I should
get out more often.
It was getting too hot to think straight, so I came away. Thanks to
Lawrence for organising things again. The next one will probably be on
28 November, but details will in any case be on
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