On a chilly December morning I went to Dragonmeet again. All images
are cc-by-sa.
I got the Men in Black table set up early, then walked around to
chat with some of the dealers as they were working.

An interesting new approach to people who don't want to be
photographed. I don't particularly like it.

One of the role-playing rooms; the game I ran was at the last table on
the right. Things got a bit noisy at times. Total casualties 1.3,
against 1.5 last time I ran TRUANT INKWELL: two half-dead from
radiation sickness, one with a third of her memories erased, but
everyone was still breathing by the end of the game. I'll run this
again at Expo and probably Stabcon.

The demo and playtest room, again during setup.

The dealers once things had got started.

I thought Cowboys and Aliens was a dismal failure? (Mongoose stand.)

Munchkin Steampunk. (Second player from the left was known as "the
girl on level 8" for about four rounds.)

Of course the Steamhunk is backed up by Robot Queen Victoria!

More Munchkin Steampunk. I may not be a huge fan of Munchkin in
general, but there are clearly still plenty of people who like to play

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