RogerBW's Blog

Let's Encrypt at 05 December 2015

Let's Encrypt has moved to public beta, and I've taken advantage of it. Why? Because a non-zero proportion of the people intercepting your web traffic are bad guys. The less plain-text traffic is out there, the less they learn.

Because I'm an awkward cuss with slightly unusual requirements, I've used the lightweight acme-tiny client. This requires some fairly standard wrapping round it:

  • Generate a key for each server instance (i.e. each distinct web site);
  • Generate a certificate signing request, containing all the site's names as SANs;
  • call acme-tiny itself, which deals with the challenge-response part of ACME to get the certificate;
  • put the certificate in the right place and restart the web server.

Since I'd got that far, I added a further test to see whether the certificate exists and, if so, whether it's close enough to expiry to be worth renewing. (Let's Encrypt favours 90-day certificates and automatic renewal when about 30 days remain, rather than the long-duration certificates and manual renewal favoured by the paid approach.) This is all just barely more than trivial, so I might release the code at some point, but it's all very much set up for my particular configuration of virtual hosts and probably not much use to anyone else; you might as well just use one of the more heavyweight standard clients or write your own wrapper.

While I was at it I set up various guards against protocol downgrade attacks and such like; the Qualys SSL Labs test is very handy for this.

The upshot of this is that this blog, and nearly all the sites I host, are now accessible via https, and I very much hope will remain so. (Not quite all, as I hit a rate limit on subdomains for

  1. Posted by Owen Smith at 03:59pm on 06 December 2015

    I've changed to https for this blog. I was surprised my iPad didn't tell me it had an unknown certificate, how did you manage to get your certificatess signed by a known signing authority?

  2. Posted by RogerBW at 04:23pm on 06 December 2015

    See the link. They are issuing free 90-day certs to anyone who can prove ownership of a domain (with automated renewal encouraged), with the intention of getting https more widely used.

    I didn't bother with my own CA because getting a new CA key into random web browsers is remarkably hard work these days. And I certainly don't want to encourage people to click through an unknown certificate warning!

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