Jon, one of the organisers of
Wycombe Warband, lives locally, and I
had a couple of games against him. With images;
cc-by-sa on
I'd expressed an interest in trying out
Saga, a skirmish game based
in the Dark Ages. I took Normans (mostly cavalry plus some bowmen)
against Vikings.

The thing that threw me is just how fast units move. One lot of Viking
hearthguard descended on the crossbowmen and slaughtered them.

My knights went in against the main Viking troops and did some damage…

But were slaughtered by the reinforcements.

In the end it was just the warlord and a lot of unenthusiastic archers.

…and he didn't last long. Now I'll admit I had some truly terrible
dice luck, but mostly I was there to learn something about the system,
and I did. I'm not going to start collecting this, but I wouldn't mind
playing again; it's horribly unrealistic (like the way a unit can move
from outside archery range into melee combat too fast to be shot at)
but still enjoyable if one can accept its limitations.

Then on to X-Wing. I took my current Rebel force:
Ten Numb / B-Wing
Advanced Sensors
Tycho Celchu / A-Wing
Push the Limit
Assault Missiles
Red Squadron Pilot / X-Wing
R2 Astromech
and Jon had a pair of Aggressors:
Push the Limit
Advanced Sensors
Heavy Laser Cannon
Inertial Dampeners
Push the Limit
Advanced Sensors
Heavy Laser Cannon
Inertial Dampeners
The initial furball went reasonably well.

Once we started to break up, I just kept missing firing opportunities.

And when I could fire, I didn't do more than scratch the shields.

The B-wing went first, then the X-wing.

And the A couldn't survive for long.

It's a tricky list to fight; I suspect I should have held the B-wing
back slightly from the furball for better shooting opportunities. The
problem with my squadron here is that the B-wing is the main hitting
power, and if it gets blown up the game is effectively lost.
Still, an instructive battle…
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