Back to the boardgame café again.
With images;
cc-by-sa on
We started with
Cacao, one of the
two recent "like Carcassone but more fun" games that I've tried at

This continues to be a game I enjoy playing occasionally; I wouldn't
want to take it out every week, which is pretty much what it takes to
earn a spot in my limited shelf space, and it could get extremely
complex with expert players, but it's still good fun if taken lightly.
Car Wars the Card Game
next, with a series of games until one of us reached the overall "ace
of aces" victory point value. While having more than two players
obviously adds some welcome complexity and diplomacy, it also means
that eliminated players may be sitting idle for ten minutes or more.
There are some strategies here, but there's no point of thinking of
them in advance, as you're at the mercy of the randomness of the
150-card pack. I said about the first edition, and I still think, that
it would be nice if there were some aspect of vehicle design to the
game, even if it were just a matter of picking your initial five cards
in some way.

We finished off the evening with the traditional
this time in its General Interest incarnation.

This is rather more our speed than some other versions; all of us got
card placements wrong someties, rather than seeing the game turn into
a simple question of whether someone will mess up or whether it'll be
another three-way draw (as we've found with Historical Events and
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