Having missed a couple of months thanks to busy-ness, we returned to
the boardgame café (which appeared
to have undergone a complete staff turnover, though some of them are
now just working on different days). With images;
cc-by-sa on
We started with
which attracted a lot of attention last year but which I hadn't got
round to trying before. It was immediately clear that this had seen
some hard play, with worn cards and some missing components, but not
enough to spoil the game experience.

It's mostly a cooperative game: a ghost (me, in this case) is trying
to send dream-visions of death to a group of psychics, who attempt to
decode them to determine the killer, the place and the method (which
last part might seem faintly familiar from somewhere). Those visions
consist of cards with motif-heavy art, very much in the style of
Dixit, and the non-ghost players try to work out what in the art is
the significant message the ghost is trying to send. Unlike Dixit,
they have a limited set of "correct" answers, and I found this
structure quite satisfying (when I play Dixit I am always either too
general or too specific).

The ghost player has his own copy of the clue cards, one set per
player (which means the "vision of his own death" thing doesn't
entirely make sense but it's a good game anyway).

Players progress step by step until all clues are solved. (In a game
with more than three players, you can also make side bets on whether
other players have interpreted the visions correctly, which can get
you bonus cards in the endgame.)
I very much enjoyed this and would like to own it, though I really
want the Polish version (Tajemnicze Domostwo), which has the
original art by Mariusz Gandzel and Karolina Węcka for characters,
locations and weapons. (There's no in-game text, and the rules for
both versions are freely available in English.) Then again, the
Mysterium cards are easier to work with, with their different backs
and handy reference numbers, and the side-bet mechanic seems well
worth using. If only they'd kept the original art! Maybe I'll end up
buying both and making one "super" set that combines the best of

Old and new greenhouse, above, and magician, below; taken from
this boardgamegeek article
describing the differences between the versions.

We moved on to
Elder Sign,
another one that's been out for a while but we haven't played before.
Bold investigators fight a Cthulhoid invasion by rolling dice.

It's very clearly another of the FFG Cthulhu game line, with the same
investigators and items implemented in yet another set of mechanics.
On the other hand it cuts down much of the slow moving around the
board that one gets in Arkham Horror and the later Eldritch
Horror, as one can jump straight into whatever adventure seems
appropriate at the time.

"Begorrah, Oi'm Foightin' Michael McGlen, and anyone who calls me an
ethnic stereotype is after gettin' shot."
(I ended up using Cloud Memory on myself, to restore my fragile sanity
late in the game.)

We pulled out a bare victory. It's oddly flavourless at times, with
the "adventures" apparently all taking place either within a single
museum or in completely alien worlds. There's a decent amount of
tactics as one tries to work out which adventures which characters
should attempt, balancing their chances of success with potential
rewards. And at least Clue tokens don't need to be saved up to solve
the Big Problem, so one can actually spend them on rerolls. I quite
enjoyed this one and would gladly play it again, but I don't think
it's going to find a home in my collection.
Our last game for the evening was
Roll for the Galaxy,
which reimplements some of the ideas of
Race for the Galaxy
in a dice-based form.

As in Race, there are five phases, and only those that have been
chosen by at least one player will actually happen. One discovers new
worlds and developments, builds them, then exploits them for goods,
either to trade (to return used dice from the "citizenry" to one's cup
for use on future turns) or to consume (which gains victory points).

Yes, the dice cups are supplied, and customised.

I came a close second, and I'd had an enjoyable experience, but this
felt like an aggressively random game and I didn't end up with any
sense of accomplishment.
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