group was trying out a new venue, the upstairs room of the Two Brewers
in Marlow – which was blessedly free of fashionable lighting.
I started the evening with
Flash Point: Fire Rescue
with three new players (I gave them Hazmat, Generalist and CAFS, and
took Fire Captain for myself).

They were a little hesitant at first, but soon got the hang of things
and shifted from fire-suppression to victim-removal with no prompting
from me.

In the end we won, with one victim lost and a single damage cube left
in the reserve. Probably just about the perfect introduction to the
game. (My 3D-printed smoke/fire pieces were appreciated too. More on
those soon.)

We finished the evening with a few rounds of
Coup, another new
game to these players, but where they quickly got the hang of what to
do even if I did mostly end up winning.

On the way home, a view across the Thames, with the river running high
and noisy on a wet night.

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