As part of a sparsely-attended meet, I got some
boardgaming done in my local.
We'd both brought along some games on spec, and started with
which turns out to be more or less a card-based reimplementation of
complete with Archers (spies), Shields (bombs, but no sappers) and the
King (the flag). Setup is much quicker (divide 25 cards into five
piles with the King at the bottom of one of them) and there's still
tactical complexity, but at heart this too wants to be a memory game,
and I'm always bad at them.

I then got out
Red 7, which I
haven't played enough of late (actually I haven't been doing enough
boardgaming at all lately).

In pretty much the ideal outcome, I won the first game and lost the
second. (Not deliberately!) This is the sort of game I can readily
picture being played in a tavern by a bunch of old men with thimbles
of horribly strong booze – which isn't true of most games I like.
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