How can I tell when the 3D printer has finished a job, without going
down to the cave where it lives and checking it?
I'm using an Ultimaker 2+, which does not have a direct Internet
connection. I regard this as a selling point - it means that the only
digital interaction it has with the outside world is when I stick the
SD card in the front and tell it to print something, so I don't have
to worry about a compromised IP stack. But that also means I can't log
into the thing and see how it's going.
OK, it does have a USB socket, so I could just plug in a machine
running octoprint. And I probably will eventually. But this was the
quick and dirty approach.
First, I wanted a proper camera looking over the print bed, and (one
3D-printed plastic clip later) that's what I have. The other end of
its USB cable goes into a computer that sits next to the machine. This
is mostly so that I can see if the print process has gone wrong, for
example a layer that's not sticking to the previous one and instead is
turning into "clown hair"; that happened a few times when I was
getting the hang of the printer.

So I have video of the thing; actually it takes one shot per minute,
on a cron job, since that's fast enough for my purposes. Could I do
some sort of image analysis to find out when a print is complete?
Or... hang on a minute, when the print bed drops at the end of the
process, the camera can see out of the front opening of the machine,
which I've covered with cardboard in the current slightly chilly
weather. So I can actually control what the camera sees at that point.

Just throw the captured images at the zbar library, and when analysis
of the latest image reports the right QR-code, the print is complete!
At that point the cron job sends a notification via SIP TEXT to my
VoIP handset, as well as popping up a message via Jabber on whatever
desktop or laptop I'm using at the time. Yes, yes, the octoprint thing
will happen eventually, but this is pleasingly Heath Robinson.
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