Those of you who came to the early summer barbecue will have noticed
that the gazebo had taken on a bit of a slant.
Maybe it was the new roof, maybe it was just general decrepitude,
but the two screws holding each end of each high horizontal beam into
the verticals weren't really doing the job any more, and it was a good
five degrees off true. Time for some bracing.
The simplest approach was angle brackets (with the gazebo pushed up to
as close to square as it would go), with what turned out to be
extra-long 6mm diameter bolts

This meant going vertically through the narrow horizontal beams. The
extra-long drill bit bent all over the place, but giving it a pilot
hole helped a great deal.

The far side of the wood tended to spall, but it didn't generate any
new cracks, and the whole thing's holding together nicely.

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