boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey – this time in
the absence of our Glorious Leader.
First game of the evening was
Love Letter,
which I haven't played for a while and I'd forgotten some of the
details of the rules – but whatever natural sneakiness I had seems
still to be working.

I'd 3d-printed some custom loot for
Colt Express,
and we played that next - my first time with the Horses and Stagecoach
expansion. I don't know quite what I did right, but I nailed it: rode
to a front carriage for loot, then over to the stagecoach for hostage
and strongbox, back to the locomotive for the other strongbox, and
mostly staying out of people's way after that; with other loot my
final haul was $4,450 - second place was in the $2,000-$3,000 range. I
do need to put together a quick reference sheet to remind everyone of
how you can move, ride and shoot between train and stagecoach.
I think this is a game that benefits strongly from component upgrades.
After all, you could play the same game on a board that was simply a
side view of the train… it just wouldn't be as much fun.
I think I am going to buy the Marshal and Prisoners expansion soon.
And 3d-print some mailbag pieces to go with it.

Augustus next,
packed into a much smaller box than the one it came in; it's been
several years since I played this, but I still had fun even though I
ended up doing terribly. It's not on my tentative "buy" list any more,
but I'd still like to play it again.

We finished off with
The Game (using
cards from 6 Nimmt because why not), where we accidentally cheated by
giving ourselves excessively large hands… but we did manage to
complete the objective. Not sure this has a lot of staying power, but
it was fun as a one-off.

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