boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey – and,
unusually, I was available on a Wednesday for the mid-month meeting.
We started with
Coup where I
managed to eliminate myself nearly before the game had begun. Hey ho.
But the others enjoyed it.

Then went on to
Steampunk Rally,
a new game for everyone there except me… but thanks to a one-page
explanation sheet from BoardGameGeek, it all ended up making sense
(except for the One Rule Too Many, which turned out to be spending
cogs to turn up the values of pool dice).

I got off to a decent start, but there was a huge invention over at
the other side of the table, and then he used the Disintegrator Ray on
everyone else.

I ended up with a plausible second place, and overall it was pretty
close. Ada Lovelace can take advantage of a Poppet Valve to generate
lots of cogs. (Yeah, it's that sort of game.)

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