'Twas on a Wednesday evening that the laptop did break down... failing
to come out of suspend after having been moved, with the 1-3-3-1 beep
code that, on Lenovo machines at least, indicates a memory or system
board problem. I cleaned up the DIMM contacts and it worked happily
for a day, then died again on Thursday night, and more cleaning and
re-seating didn't help. Time for a warranty repair.
Lenovo's warranty repair goes through the extremely
dubious-looking managed-technical-support.com, but eventually I got a
response. It didn't help that I was off in Birmingham over the weekend
(and in effect without email, though I managed a bit on a Raspberry Pi
with touchscreen and keyboard). On Tuesday a replacement DIMM arrived.
(Telling me the wrong courier name and no tracking number is "a known
bug", apparently.) Fitted, working... until the machine was suspended
and moved, at which point it was dead again. (But hey, now I have 8GB
RAM instead of the 4GB I had before.)
So on Friday they sent a Bloke, who replaced the mainboard. (I like
having a warranty.) He was well set up with anti-static mat and straps
and so on, and did a lovely job of stripping down the machine,

dropping in the new mainboard, and getting everything back together.
Except for two things.
One was that the machine was jumping into some kind of Windows
automated repair thing rather than booting off either of the hard
discs. This was not ideal, but to be fair not his problem, so I let
him go.
The other was that the left side of the case had been jammed on

making the headphone socket inaccessible. And that's another full
strip-down to put right, which I didn't feel like doing.
I solved the software problem with, sigh, a reinstall from scratch
with all trace of manufacturer's partitions purged from the internal
disc (why is it I have these redundant hard discs, eh?). Still, it was
a good excuse to upgrade from Debian/jessie to /stretch, which is what
my other machine with a screen on it is running, and of course I have
comprehensive backups.
On Monday the backup Bloke turned up, and got the case sorted… but
failed to hook up the front bezel connector as he was putting the
thing back together (this lets the touchpad and case-edge mouse
buttons work). Fortunately, because the Lenovo laptop division is
still IBM at heart, they have a full hardware manual freely available,
so I was able to strip the machine down, hook up the connector,
replace the missing screw (which he'd simply lost during reassembly, I
suspect, as it was on the table he'd been working on), and have a
working laptop again.
I'm not terribly impressed with the Blokes, but I really like having
the hardware manuals. By the standards of laptops, this one's well put
together, too. I have over a year of on-site warranty left to run on
this machine (I bought it in October 2013 and extended the warranty
when it came up for renewal, as they'd previously provided me with a
replacement keyboard) and they will at least supply replacement parts
until then; after that I suspect I'll be getting a shiny new one.
But simply being without a laptop for a week was quite annoying, and
now I've picked up a smaller one as an emergency machine – an old
Thinkpad E150. It's a bit cramped about the keyboard, but it gets the
job done, and it's handy to take away for largely
non-computing-related trips when the T430 would be a bit much.
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