This long-running games convention had another instance at the start
of July. With images;
cc-by-sa on

Slowish going on the M6, as usual. I suppose I might try going via
M42/A42, M1 and Chesterfield, but that bit of the M1 is often bad too.
This is the longest trip out that I've logged, at 4¾ hours (including
breaks), but I've definitely had worse that I haven't logged. Being
plentifully supplied with fuel, audio books and food, this wasn't a
particularly bad thing.
As usual for me, the Friday evening was mostly chatting, but I did get
in a few games, starting with my new set of
Colony (finally
found at a reasonable price), even if I did come last. Well,
obviously, I handicapped myself by not taking the free upgrades
recommended in the first game. Ahem.

We went on with
Tem-Purr-A, a
game that's perhaps excessively cutesey in its art (you are all cats
eating Japanese food and trying to avoid indigestion) but which has a
surprising amount of tactical complexity.

I ran my Falklands horror scenario Still Bennies in the morning,
going from two signups to a full roster of six at the last moment. It
went more or less all right, but didn't quite have the correct feel.
It may simply not have been the right time of day for a horror game.
I saw people playing
A Touch of Evil,
but as always seems to happen they'd got well into the game before I
found them. One of these days I will actually get a chance to try it.

Some of the upgrades available in
Mega Civilization.

Played in one of Dr Bob's Squaddies scenarios in the afternoon:
infiltrating a prisoner-of-war camp, as new prisoners and guards, in
order to investigate certain irregularities. We gathered lots of
evidence, then… called in the cavalry rather than trying to arrest
people ourselves. In spite of the lack of physical threat, it was an
effectively tense session.
After that it was time for a few more board games:
Coup: Rebellion G54,
which I got knocked out of first (have I lost my Coup mojo?),

Forbidden Desert,
which we lost quickly (no Archaeologist or Water Carrier),

Robo Rally 2016,
where two players were sufficently lacking in spatial awareness that
they didn't even make it off the starting grid, but they still seemed
to have fun.

Finished off the evening with
Hero Realms,
which, yes, all right, really is
Star Realms
slightly upgraded; I liked the gameplay and the easy handling of more
than two players, but I still very much prefer the SF theme of the
original game, even if it doesn't necessarily make any more sense than
the fantasy theme of this version. Ah well. Looks as if Star Realms
is getting a similar upgrade treatment with the new
set anyway.
No RPGs booked on Sunday morning, so instead I got into some
Grifters (which
it's been a while since I last played, and I came last);

Hex Hex/Hex Hex Next
where I came in the middle of the three, and once again I keep
thinking that I want to play this more often (I'll take it to the next
Marlow meeting as it can handle anything up to twelve players);

and finished off with a chaotic five-player game of
Colt Express,
fully expanded, where I played the Marshal for the first time (and did
a lousy job of it). I really need to write a rules summary and
teaching aid for this game, in part to get my own head round it a bit

It was 1pm by this point, so I set off for home, with lots of slow
traffic but nothing actually coming to a stop. The trip in this
direction is pretty reliably 3½-4 hours, and this time was closer to
the latter.

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