This small one-day boardgaming event
happened twice a year in a village hall in Deepest Buckinghamshire.
This was my sixth visit; I wasn't expecting to get to it, but YSDC
Games Day was moved.
We started with
Potion Explosion,
and a rather less ratty copy than the one in Thirsty Meeples. (Though
I'm still working on my 3d-printed replacement design, which has
conceptually now grown a hyperbolic funnel and five-rayed distributor
plate to make it easier to return marbles to the stack.)
I won, but not as handily as I thought I had.

We went on to seven-player
Colt Express.
I need to work on my teaching of this game, and on some more
quick-reference sheets so that all the bandit-player information is in
one place; one player in particular simply didn't pick up some rules
even though he was nodding along as I explained them, so I'll need to
modify the blurb and maybe put it in a new order (bottom-up perhaps,
cards, round structure, then overall goals). But we had fun, and I won
as the Marshal (with poorest bandit as co-winner - which could have
been Belle, but she had little faith in me and went on a last-round
looting spree).

Mafia de Cuba
handles seven well (it really prefers more), so we went on with that.
I didn't get any pictures, because most of the game is in the
discussion, but as the Godfather I managed to recover all the diamonds
and only make one false accusation (of the Driver). I'd like to play
this more, but I'm rarely in a large enough group for it.
Citadels came
next: the older edition, not the 2016. Some of the art is lovely,
particularly the district card backs (a cut-down version of the
cover that you can see at the Amazon link for the game); but this is a
classic "abstraction gap" game for me, where what you do has little
relationship to what you're supposedly doing, and your plans can be
completely upset by someone else's minor error in judgment. It's all
right, and I can see why people who aren't me might love it, but it's
not for me. Didn't come last, yay.

Last game of the day was
Alien Frontiers,
the first time I've had the chance to play with my own copy – still
not using the Outer Belt, or Factions, or any of the other expansions.
(Soon! They have arrived! Actually early, even though they were
Kickstarter products!) Two players were new, and one of them won,
while I tied for second with the other (I probably over-did the alien
artefacts). I'm still not very good at this game, but I enjoy it more
each time I play.

Keith has run 21 of these events, with his wife and a friend providing
food, and has decided it's time to hang up his hat. I'll miss them; I
like the friendly, no-frills atmosphere of a church hall rather than a
hotel. (Hmm. There's a Royal British Legion hall quite near me. I bet
they'd be available for hire.)
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