boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.
With a slightly aimless feel to the start of the evening, we
began playing with
The Resistance:
still my favourite social deduction game, I think in part because it's
a relatively pure example (you don't have lots of other mechanisms
like resource cards or fighting off enemies, it's just the voting and
the missions). One "straight" game, one with Merlin and Assassin.

One of the players had brought along
Star Munchkin,
and as a Man in Black I know more or less how to teach it… I'm still
not a huge fan of the game, and I think it outstayed its welcome a bit
(as it sometimes does), but with this group it was still fun.
We finished the evening with
Loot, a game in which
I expected to come last and did; it's basically pirate-themed multiple
simultaneous auctions, bidding with cards, and I think it would repay
repeated plays. (It's an early Reiner Knizia design.)

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