Back to Dragonmeet, since it was happening. All images are
Given the cost of tables I'm no longer doing demos here for
SJGames (the Men in Black rely on getting free table space, and the
big shows in the UK now treat everyone as a vendor even if they're not
actually selling stuff), so I demonstrated for Wotan Games instead.

This time it was mostly
Camelot: the Court,
a remarkably sneaky game which I'll have to take along to the local group.

I also showed off the free print-and-play
War of the Nine Realms;
I'm looking forward to getting my full copy, but I rather like this
small one too.

The show has grown again, this time putting the dealers downstairs and
the game space in the first floor space used in previous years.

I call this one "Roche Limit".

Role-playing was still mostly multiple games stuffed into huge rooms.
This is just about fine for bashing stuff on a map, but really doesn't
work for anything where the GM's trying to generate an atmosphere. Or
where people don't want to bellow.

Upstairs was a spine with various playtest, demonstration, etc.,
spaces off it.

Noted as I left the hotel; a surprising aesthetic moment, given how
simplistic and non-human-scaled the rest of the building is.

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