Back to the boardgame café. With images;
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We began with a couple of games of
Burgle Bros
on the cut-down two-level mode. We lost both times, but it was a
fairly close thing, especially on the second game. The others had
picked this not knowing I already had a copy, and I think we'll be
playing it again.

We carried on with
Sagrada, one
I've been wanting to try, in part because it's gorgeous. It's a
fairly abstract game, but with plenty of variation and a central
puzzle that seems to fit well into my mind. (I was the only player not
to take penalty points for failing to finish the layout.) I should be
cautious about liking games that I win the first time I play them, but
this was already crawling into my buy list from the first turn.

We finished with the traditional Timeline, this time
where in spite of knowing too much we all made errors.

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