This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.
The first game of the evening was
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong,
with eight of us playing; they got pretty close to the murderer, but
didn't quite catch her. I think this group has got the hang of how the
game works now, and next time I'll include the Forensic Scientist
(effectively the GM or clue-giver) in the random role assignment.

We split into two groups, and I ran Flash Point: a basic scenario,
but with the Tragic Events cards replacing the Hot Spots. The other
three players were new to it, but two of them were old hands at
Pandemic, and with a combination of Rescue Specialist, Fire Captain,
CAFS and Veteran we maintained a good balance of rescuing versus
extinguishing, winning with six damage cubes left on the table.

The other group was playing
Shadows over Camelot,
and hadn't finished by last orders. (I'd actually been planning to
play this myself, but it only takes seven players so I set up the
Flash Point game as an alternative.)

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