Back to the boardgame café after a
couple of months away. With images;
cc-by-sa on
Race for the Galaxy
is coming out in a new edition soon, and I wanted to remind myself
about it. The symbology is still excessive, and I still came last, but
I did enjoy it a great deal. Maybe it has too much in common with
Alien Frontiers, in that you're gradually building your set of
improvements? Maybe, but I don't think so.

We went on to
which is essentially a pirate-themed development of Coup. But since
cards move in and out of your hands very quickly, it's much harder to
mount an effective challenge. Not one I plan to revisit; Coup just
does it better for me.

We finished with
rather longer and more in the heavy Euro direction than my usual sort
of game… but I very much enjoyed it, since the theme meshes fairly
well with the actions you're taking (hiring actors, building sets,
holding rehearsals, trying to write an inspired play, etc., all in six
days) and everything feels suitably shambolic. One that's gone on my
"buy if I see it offered cheaply" list.

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