RogerBW's Blog

August 2018 Trailers 01 September 2018

Some trailers I've seen recently, and my thoughts on them. (Links are to youtube. Opinions are thoroughly personal. Calibration: I hate everything.)

King of Thieves: definitely pushing onto the comedy rather than the drama side, and since I have no sense of humour this doesn't really appeal.

If Beale Street Could Talk (Teaser): this puts me off mostly by being a series of disconnected scenes rather than a story. For some people, I know, that's enough.

The Idol: I saw the first trailer for this two years ago, and it got a festival release in 2015. Adopt Films bought the distribution rights that same year. Leaving something for which you've paid real money sitting on the shelf for three years is a sure sign of cinematic quality.

Lizzie: well, that's one explanation I suppose. Two of the common theories, in fact. No evidence for either of them, but who needs evidence? I wouldn't mind if this were about fictional peopleā€¦ but then it would be just the standard rape-and-revenge narrative. On the other hand, it is at least pleasingly gothic.

The Nutcracker and the Four Realms: looks good, but feels very by-the-numbers: add the standard tropes (and a black guy because Disney is finally entering the 21st century), mix and serve.

Slaughterhouse Rulez: I wish Simon Pegg would be in some more worthwhile roles. Might work, but I doubt it.

The Guilty: isn't this basically The Call with a white guy instead of Halle Berry? If not, you really ought to tell me why not.

Green Book: DreamWorks does another 1950s America film. That was utterly predictable. Well, so is the story based on the setup here.

What Men Want: ah, a comedy. You can tell by the strippers.

Kusama - Infinity: well, I've never heard of her, which doesn't mean much; and now I'm at least mildly interested, so the trailer's done its job.

Suspiria: very interesting visual style, and a solid cast, but the emphasis in the trailer seems to be on the horror rather than on the people. Possibly interesting, though.

Ben is Back (Teaser): as a teaser, does its job by not giving away much about the film. And Julia Roberts is usually worth a look these days.

A Private War: looks good, and I keep waiting for Pike to have roles she can get her teeth into; but the Message seems pretty heavy-handed, and I hope the film has a bit more subtlety.

The Front Runner: I remember the original events, so that doesn't drag me in (unlike many Hollywood filmmakers I don't wish I were living in the 1980s), and the acting doesn't seem to stand out at all.

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